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Our Residents
At Amberwood Animals
Our Residents: Text
We have 10 cows, all females who were all born on the farm. Three older cows - Daisy, Frankie and Unipleasher and seven youngsters - Sprinkles, Mistletoe, Coco, Boudica, Brownie, Bambi and Aphrodite.
Our Residents: About
Twenty sheep were already living on the farm - all of them have names including Nettle, Snowy, Monty, Lilly, Daffodil and Bramble. Â Seven others have been rescued since the sanctuary started and are now part of the flock - Beetrice, Aurora, Mamma and her lamb Thorn, Dave, Agnes and Shelley and her lamb Amber who was born on the sanctuary.
Our Residents: About
All five Pigs have been rescued since the sanctuary started - Olive, Mable, Bell
a Piglet and Poo.
Our Residents: About
Our Residents: Text
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